A total of 195.000 SEK was granted to 8 applicants by the administrators of the foundation after the annual meeting of the advisory board in Stockholm October 25, 2019.

Applicant  Country Purpose Amount
Esperantoförlaget  Sweden Book-gifts to Esperanto-organisations in Asia, Africa and Latin America.  25.000 SEK
ULI  Germany  Publication of Progreso  15.000 SEK
Deutsche IDO gesellschaft  Germany  Operation of the German IDO Society  15.000 SEK
 Sweden Project: “Swedish pupils’ use of online translation in their Spanish studies” 20.000 SEK
 Sweden Project: “Language hierarchies from a child’s perspective”  17.000 SEK
Education@Internet  Slovakia Support to conferences: “Polyglot Gathering” and “Lingva FEST”  20.000SEK
 Sweden  Project: “Form-focused instruction of English as a second language”  39.000 SEK
 Sweden Project: “The role of language in segregation and gentrification processes: linguistic landscapes in Gothenburg, Sweden”  34.000 SEK


Grants 2019